An inability to get a good night’s sleep, especially over a length of time, can be detrimental to your health. If you’re experiencing problems falling asleep or getting good quality sleep, you may have a sleep disorder. The daily recommended sleep time for most adults is about 7 – 8 hours a night. If you are not getting this, or if you are feeling tired after sleeping all night, there’s a good chance you may have an underlying condition.
Here are 5 common sleep disorders that affect a lot of people’s sleep. If you suspect you may have one, speak with a doctor about getting diagnosed and treated. The sooner you seek treatment, the sooner you will get some good shut-eye!
Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea affects a lot of people, especially those that are overweight. The condition causes you to wake up multiple times during the night because you’ve stopped breathing properly. This can be either due to your brain simply not telling your body to breathe or due to an obstruction that causes your airway to close. As a result, your body jolts you awake to restart your breathing. Sleep apnea not only affects your sleep quality (as it interrupts your sleep cycle), it also impacts your heart health because it can raise your blood pressure.
REM Sleep Behavior Disorder (RBD)
RBD causes people to act out their dreams. Normally, when your body enters the REM phase of the sleep cycle, your body goes into a temporary state of paralysis in which you don’t move. This is why you may be running in your dream, but you don’t move while lying in bed. People with RBD find themselves physically acting out their dreams while they are asleep. This could include moving the limbs in bed or even walking around the house. While the condition itself is not dangerous, it could lead to injuries as you won’t be aware of what you are doing while acting out a dream in real life.
Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)
RLS causes you to move your legs while you sleep due to an unpleasant sensation that causes an extreme urge to continuously move your legs around. As a result, it can be difficult for you to fall and remain asleep. It can also be disruptive for your loved one who sleeps with you.
Narcolepsy refers to extreme drowsiness or sleepiness that becomes uncontrollable during times when you should not be sleeping (i.e. during the day). If you are doing an activity, such as working on a computer, driving, shopping, or exercising, and all of a sudden get an urge to sleep, it could be due to narcolepsy. The condition is very disruptive because at random times in the day, the drowsiness can set in unannounced, like when you should be engaging with others, working, or spending time with family. While the condition itself is not life-threatening, it can be dangerous if you become sleepy while operating machinery.
Insomnia causes difficulty falling asleep, regardless of how long you have been awake or even if you are physically tired and want to sleep. Insomnia can be acute (lasting a few nights) or chronic (lasting more than a month). The most common causes of insomnia are jet lag, anxiety, or suffering a traumatic experience.
Sleep Disorder Diagnosis and Treatment in Denton and Frisco, Texas
While one night of not sleeping well won’t have dire repercussions, continuously not getting the sleep you need can negatively affect your health in a multitude of ways. Dr. Rani Anbarasu of Star Medical Associates has a wealth of experience treating a variety of sleep disorders and would love to help you. Make an appointment today, and get the quality sleep you need.
To make an appointment, please call (940) 382-6900 in Denton, Texas, or (469) 301-2300 in Frisco, Texas. You can also request an appointment online. We look forward to serving you!